In the world of modern technology, it is not easy to know the wide range of all these manufacturers, and this especially applies to the Supermicro range. You will surely say - I need someone I can contact, someone who is knowledgeable with the issue and who is able to advise me with complicated details.

We from our sales team fully understand you. We've put together a small list of why to contact your specialist directly.

  1. Our specialist is experienced and will provide you with full pre-sales support - it will help you get rid of all the tricks you might encounter, verify the compatibility of individual parts and always ensure the best availability from more than ten of our "core" suppliers. Most importantly, it helps you remember to order frequently neglected components.
  2. Our specialist is here for you. He will gladly meet with you personally and help you plan another project. From a small server to a complete CEPH solution. It will always advise you in what direction to take and what steps to take to complete even the most complex project. If you have a vision of how to do it and you have roughly selected components - the specialist will identify potential shortcomings in the configuration. Your sales person will understand your needs, be able to understand and understand your needs. A personal relationship with a customer is what we, ANAFRA, are primarily targeting. We are interested in you and we will not let you fumble. Your questions will not hang on the customer line.
  3. They always have an overview of the availability and stocking of the components and is the right person to ask about the status of the expeditions and your orders. Your dealer is able to offer an individual price. We fight competition prices every day - and importantly - we are one step ahead.

We are here for you, be it a small project or a big project. We are always available and will be happy to advise you by phone, e-mail, or we will be happy to meet you in person.

Contact our sales people HERE.